Individualized Aromatherapy services

Why Choose Aromatherapy?

  • Aromatherapy and essential oils have been used for medicinal purposes since the beginning of time. Plant substances are extracted into essential oils and Aromatherapy is the practice of using these oils to promote balance, health and well-being.

  • The use of essential oils in Aromatherapy has positive effects on all major systems in the body. Essential oils significantly impact mental health in the following ways: known to uplift feelings of depression, help the anxious mind become more clear, and creating a sense of calm during high stress. Essential oils are also both stimulating and calming, the use of these oils effects the autonomic nervous system.

  • Acute stress can trigger the sympathetic response of the autonomic nervous system perpetuating a “fight or flight” response in the body. The fight or flight response is triggered when the body sense danger. During this stress response an individual can experience an increased heart rate, blood pressure, the release of chemicals and hormones in the body. The challenge in today’s world is that this stress response can be triggered at the sight of a stressful work email, traffic jams when you’re running late, or difficult relationship interactions. Chronic stress responses can trigger emotions that are difficult to navigate, such as anger, fear, or heightened anxiety.

  • The effect of essential oils on calming the stress response can be observed within 20 seconds after inhalation and within 20 minutes after being topically applied, they are in the blood stream.

  • We currently offer individualized aromatherapy services. During your consultation, you will review your health and mental health concerns with our certified aromatherapist. A unique blend of oils will be crafted to your specific needs. Each consultation includes a free aromatherapy inhaler. Additional bath oils, sea salt scrubs or massage oils are individually priced. We also offer standard essential oil inhalers for sale for your everyday use. These inhalers also make wonderful, unique gifts.

Reference: Aroma Apothecary Healing Arts Academy, 2021

Aromatherapy for your wellbeing

  • Aromatherapy Consultation

    Discover a path to inner peace and well-being with our personalized aromatherapy intake appointment. Unveil the holistic potential of aromatherapy as we delve into your mental health and wellness history, tailoring your unique aromatic experience that rejuvenates your mind, body, and soul. Embrace a journey towards balance and tranquility, one scent at a time - 60 minute intake appointment.

    Not sure if aromatherapy is right for you? Contact us for a free 15 minute consultation to learn more!

    Email us at to schedule your appointment today!

  • Aromatherapy Follow-up

    Elevate your well-being journey with our rejuvenating aromatherapy follow-up appointment. We'll review any updates in your health and mental health history, ensuring your aromatic experience remains tailored to your evolving needs. Plus, explore exciting new products and scents, taking your self-care routine to the next level. Unleash the power of scent in your ongoing quest for holistic harmony - 30 minutes in person or virtual.

    Email us at to schedule your appointment today!

  • Aromatherapy Products

    Unlock a world of aromatic wonders. Explore the art of self-care with our specialized aromatherapy blends, including boutique creations designed for yoga mat cleaning, room sprays, invigorating inhalers, luxurious bath oils, and more. Feel the scents, find your serenity, and immerse yourself in a sensory journey that nourishes both body and soul.

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